— Be gentle with yourself —
❈Japanese Acupressure
The vital universal force, called 'Ki' in Japanese moves throughout the pathways known as meridians.
The practitioner will seek to even out the perceived energy imbalances and the receiver remains clothed during the treatment.
It is used to treat a wide range of chronic conditions, such as headaches, PMS, digestive disorders, fatigue, insomnia, fibromyalgia, stress, anxiety, and muskuloskeletal pain, including low back, neck, and joint pain.
❈Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga focuses on the path toward personal wellness and enlightenment through physical, mental, and spiritual means.
Iyengar type has achieved a high level of success in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including: muscular-skeletal, physiological and emotional.
❈Sound Massage
Sound Therapy where Himalayan singing bowls are placed directly on or near the dressed body and are gently tapped. The vibrations from the bowls travel through the body bringing deep relaxation and induce a state similar to deep meditation.
Sound massage can effectively dissolve physical, mental, and emotional blockages and overcome daily stress, fear, and depression.
“ Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama
❈Teacher and Practitioner
My name is Arantza Martinez-Iturrioz from the Basque Country and I have lived in Dublin for 20 years.
Yoga, Music and Movement brings me home, to myself and to the world. They provide me with the tools, awareness and ability to be more relaxed, steady and awake, to respond more wisely and creatively to all that life brings along.
Being a Japanese Acupressure therapist qualified Yoga teacher , Sound Healing practitioner and Community Music workshop leader I am committed to a creative process of continuous learning, re-evaluation, and evolution.
Studied Japanese Acupressure at Shiatsu Health Belfast School with John McKeever who studied with Pauline Sasaki, Clifford Andrews, Rex Lassalle, Wataru Ohashi and Paul Lundberg.
Completed 200hrs multi-style Yoga Alliance Teacher Training course at Mahi Power Yoga Centre in Dharamshala where lives the Dalai Lama.Mahi is a teacher with 27 years experience in the tradition of BKS Iyengar. Yoga styles included:Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Asthanga Yoga and Iyengar Yoga.
Attended Yoga Mandala Project Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training . Claire Osborne,the main teacher, was trained as a Yoga therapist at Yoga Campus,London .Yoga styles included: Yin Yoga, Nidra Yoga and Womb yoga for women's health.
Completed Sound Healing practitioner course with Ollie Plunkett, Psychotherapy bacground teacher with 30 years training experience and professional musician.
Studied Community Music Leadership Training with Musicians without borders in partnership with Culturlann Derry.Danny Felsteiner, the main trainer, has been giving music workshops and trainings in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and South America.
Professional Indemnity Insurance to practice with Zurich Insurance Group.
Languages knowledge: I am fluent in English, Spanish & Basque.I understand French & Italian.

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” ~B.K.S. Iyengar